Dawn Dishwashing Detergent has been around for years and can be used for so many things beyond your kitchen!
Yes, It’s Great in the Kitchen
For me, Dawn is the best grease-fighter in the kitchen. I don’t mess with the new-fangled colors and formulas because I don’t think the original can be beat when it comes to grease, whether it’s hand-washing dishes, cleaning counter tops or washing your cooktop.
Have you tried Dawn on glass? My friend Tonya taught me this trick: wash your glass/window with Dawn and then wipe it dry. Do not rinse it. I’ve tried this with windows, large glass lanterns and even the inside and outside of car windows. It works really well…better than Windex in my opinion!
I always keep a small bottle of Dawn in my laundry room and spot treat any oil-based stain. It has worked 100% of the time if the stain is oil-based. It beats laundry stain removal products every time. My college daughter is a believer, too, and knows to take it to the laundry room with her.
I use it to clean my jewelry, too. I have one of those little electric jewelry cleaners and I put a drop of Dawn in the water. Jewelry comes out clean and sparkly every time!
Oil stains on your driveway or in your garage? First, use something to try to absorb as much of the oil as possible, like kitty litter or sand. Then mix Dawn with warm water and clean with a broom or scrub brush.
We wash our cars with Dawn. We’ve use the fancy car washing products and decided Dawn works as well if not better. Our cars look shiny and clean when we wash them, which isn’t often enough…
Bathing your dog with Dawn is safe, cost-effective and will also kill fleas on contact. It doesn’t take much; just a few drops in warm water. It’s known for it’s use in the BP oil cleanup, when it removed oil from the impacted ducks and birds. Like with any product, make sure your beloved pet tolerates it well and it doesn’t dry out the skin or coat.
Ant Repellant
If you spot ants, use Dawn and warm water in the areas you’ve seen them. Ants hate it. You can also create a mixture of Dawn and water in a spray bottle and use it to spray areas you’ve spotted ants as it won’t harm your children or your pets.
Fruit Trees
You can mix a couple of tablespoons of Dawn with a gallon of water and spray your fruit trees to keep aphids away. Spray both sides of leaves and branches, followed with a thorough rinse.

Many More
I’m sure there are many other uses and we’d love to hear them! Please share if you have suggestions!
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